Weekly Yoga Journal: Sept. 13-18

     The first yoga class taken for these journals is a metaphor for a few firsts. One being that this is the first class I have taken since being globally quarantined since February. Another first is taking the class completely virtual via Zoom. For this being the first yoga class taken virtually it was an overall good experience. I am happy it was a good experience, because I will now look forward to taking future classes online, though I prefer in-person classes. 

    The people who attended this class seemed experienced and were all women. The women were older than me and closer in age to my mom, who also attended. The physical environment was a little different than other classes I have attended before. It being online created a different learning environment to get used to. It was a good experience, yet I felt out of place. I did not feel like I could focus on my movement or breath, because I was at home. It may have been a few different aspects that made it hard to focus, but in the past I typically have not had trouble. It has also been a couple of months since my last practice, so I very well could be out of practice. My mom suggested we put on light music in the background to help make it feel more like a yoga class. 
    I took your class online. One downfall of the virtual class was that I could not always see the screen. Yet, having verbal words to describe the movements were more important now than in past practices. It was very helpful to have counts and reminders to breathe as well. Because I was having trouble focusing on the movements it was a nice reminder to have the verbal words to help keep me on track. 

My mom is also excited to be getting back into yoga as well.


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